Thursday, September 25, 2014

Zero Calorie Virgil's Cream Soda?!?!

So, it's been a while since my last post, sorry about that! Here's some thoughts on Virgil's zero calorie cream soda (I'm drinking it now). 1. It has a slightly metallic aftertaste, but it does not last nearly as long as the sugar sweetened cream soda from Virgils. 2. The stevia sweetener is muted. 3. The vanilla flavor isn't as strong as the sugar sweetened cream soda either. 4. The carbonation overpowers the flavor until you let it settle in your mouth. 5. I plan on going on a diet until the holidays start. This is a good enough as a replacement for the real thing. Overall, it's a pretty big step down, but considering you can drink it basically guilt free, it's a nice replacement. I switched to Diet Mountain Dew some time ago, and I felt that was a rough transition, especially from the "throwback" that I enjoyed even more. The delta between sugar and zero calorie cream soda doesn't feel as vast. But, I do tend to think of a glass bottle of cream soda as a dessert replacement. The zero calorie version only really works if I'm actively counting calories. I don't think I would choose this over the real thing. A lot of people dislike Virgil because of the after taste, so I could see people liking this as much as say IBC or Stewarts.