Monday, November 9, 2015

Not exactly a cream soda (Vanilla Pepsi)

Vanilla Pepsi sounds like it should be a disaster. It sounds like it should be some massively over-sugary mess with flavors going all over the place. As you take your first sip, you prepare your mind and body for the shock you know is coming. Images of a sugar seizure haunt you as you tip the can back. The first flavors rush in. You realize you are just drinking a Pepsi. Perplexed, you begin to wonder where the vanilla is and then the mild aftertaste hits the right note. The vanilla was just muted, better than that, it was there along you think to yourself as you take your second sip. Not bad! (unless your name is Matt, and you have recently moved to NC, but who cares what your opinion is on this subject!! (hehe)). It's definitely still pepsi, just a pepsi with a different aftertaste and that same lack of a syrupy taste thanks to the lack of HCFS replaced by the sublime cane sugar. So, it's sort of hard to find. I've seen it in the "half size cans". I've also seen it in plastic bottles, and once just once I was able to get it in full size cans. I think it's better in a can, but wish I could try it in a glass bottle. Everything seems to taste better out of a glass bottle amirite?

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